Sunday, June 22, 2008

Been a really long time

I just can't keep up with this, nope.

Life is wonderful, Gio is coming down in a month, hurraaaay~!

BLah blah blah, I need $$$

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Oh I forgot to mention.

Sha and I don't really talk as often as we did. It makes me sad. Dani is back in my life and it's great. I knew we'd get back in touch with each other. Her and I, we just click. One of those people that can be gone and out of your life for so long and then just pop back in as if no time has passed. Gio's like that too, for James.

68 days until one of the best parts of my year. <33333333

It's kind of natural.

So it's been three months. Damn. Time goes by very, very quickly.
But it's been

and I couldn't be any happier. :]

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy new year!

It's my 7 months with James.
I haven't posted in a while, been busy.

Day one of 2008 can be summed up by 3 letters. ;D
Got back from NC on the 30th, and until today, I was with Jimi every day.
Went shopping with Sha on the 31st and we rented some movies yesterday.
Today is going to be a BLAH day, but ah well, time to do homowerk(xD) & study.

Lalala, he took me out on a date on the first. <3333

Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's been a while.

I love James. I fucking love him.

My cats got their balls cut off, and Nori got declawed. Igby's next. *sigh* I'm going to cry.

Sha is the best friend I've ever had. ILY<3

Life is fucking gooood.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's too late...

So I'm here in Spanish... I'm feeling strange. And I'm sore. Yesterday was a bad day with a little good in it. I'm glad I got to be with James at the mall, I'm glad my aunt and uncle were there, I'm glad I actually got to see Dani.

I hope I get my license soon... it's really taking a toll on me, all these times not passing...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I just scared the shit out of Igby.

Sunday, Zoo with friends and friends. Can everyone say sex? LOL.
License tomorrow, for real? Woooo~!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Just because I have time...

The evolution of James.

*smiles* February 2, '07- November 23, '07.

I've got a lot of time on my hands.