Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's too late...

So I'm here in Spanish... I'm feeling strange. And I'm sore. Yesterday was a bad day with a little good in it. I'm glad I got to be with James at the mall, I'm glad my aunt and uncle were there, I'm glad I actually got to see Dani.

I hope I get my license soon... it's really taking a toll on me, all these times not passing...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I just scared the shit out of Igby.

Sunday, Zoo with friends and friends. Can everyone say sex? LOL.
License tomorrow, for real? Woooo~!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Just because I have time...

The evolution of James.

*smiles* February 2, '07- November 23, '07.

I've got a lot of time on my hands.


The world is small, you know.

I recognize regulars at the office all the time. There is this guy who comes in every few months to pickup his contacts. Never really starts conversations, just in and out.

Today, said regular comes in. Starts off as it usually does, "Hi how can I help you?" "I came to pick up my contacts." I'm about to ask him his last name and something clicks in both of our minds. "WAIT! ...." No words, just laughter. It's Kevin, Dani's good friend/ex-boyfriend. I'd met him on my birthday because he brought Dani to my house for my little party.

It was just so funny how it just clicked. We both absolutely didn't recognize each other. Afterwards he continued on to asking how James was, and I asked how Dani was. We both admitted that people drift, and Dani has become a drifter. Everyone gets caught up in their own business after a time. I miss her a lot. And it makes me sad, but, hey, what are you going to do?


My cat was stuck in the AC closet. Poor thing.
I'm cold. I like my new sweater.
This weekend was pretty fucking nice.
Augusto and Carballo are funny as hell when they're on 'shrooms. <3

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Burn, burn, burn.

I'm sitting on James. LOL.

It's been a good few days. Even with a Hummer backing into my grandma's car, and whatever else bad has happened. I've been with Jimi, and it's been very, very nice. :]

Happy Saturday.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Mmmm, leftovers.

Yesterday was nice. Familia=<333

Geez, I love waking up to James. I love it. Early morning kisses, snuggling. Ah, sweet bliss.

Woke up really really early (6.00AM) to take him to work. Got home half an hour ago. O___O Been shoppin'. ;D I'm off to nap now.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Fuck today.

Bad things:
-Argument with my idiot of a dad
-Bawled my eyes out as soon as I get to James
-Failed my FUCKING driving test because of one FUCKING mistake
-Tickets for Brand New & Thrice were expensive as fuck
-James has to fucking WORK on Friday

Good things:
-Driving most of the afternoon/Sitting in the car, listening to Gorillaz, watching traffic
-Chinese food
-Getting a ride to and from the show
-And did I mention James?

turkey bowllll/

I'm here with Jon Jerry Barbieeee Vickey Geena Steph Christian Becky Manny etc etc etccc

Where is my jimiii

My dads a douche -.- I hope I get my license today. Shit.

Out of bed, on track.

Gooooood morning. I'm not at school, as I should be. Dentist, bleh. I slept well. Everything seems to be looking towards being a rather great Thanksgiving weekend. My god, the weather is beautiful today.

I might be getting my license today?! Wooooaaahhhhhh! Cris iz 17, fo sho.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I could just post up a storm, couldn't I?

Bang, bang, shoot, shoot.

So Friday is the Thrice and Brand New show. I hope that I end up with a ride and can go. Hopefully with Iva?!

I hope I get my license tomorrow. That would be amazing. Indeed.

Jimmy wants to take me out to the Zoo for my birthday present. *giggles* He's so fucking cuuutteee!

We're never losing it.

I'm in love. I've gotten myself back into it. I feel differently than before, but all for the better. Trust isn't an issue; I've given him my all. And you know what? I'm glad. I'm satisfied.

I am your girl and will be your woman. I will be your wife; I will bear your children. I will grow old with you and want nothing more.


It's surprising how much a good song (The Kooks- She Moves In Her Own Way) and a cup of coffee will do for you on a crappy morning.

I'm satisfied, even though, I feel I can fall asleep just about anywhere right now.

Here comes the sun.

Monday, November 19, 2007


I really like this new blog of mine.

James, James, James.
God I love you babe. <3

A nice beginning/

Ian came to visit me today. One hour on bike, just to come cheer me up. And then people wonder why I was with him for so long.

Hello Blogger.